Each of us gives to Sechelt Hospital for very personal reasons. Some of us have needed emergency hospital services. Some have gone in for tests or X-rays. The community’s babies are born here. Cancer patients receive their chemotherapy treatments. Renal patients receive dialysis. People who may experience mental health challenges are helped and supported.
Each gift to the Sechelt Hospital Foundation moves us one step closer to enhancing hospital care on BC’s Sunshine Coast. We’re all in this together. And, together, we’ll continue to provide the new equipment, furnishings and special project funding that enables our dedicated medical professionals and staff to deliver excellent hospital services to our community.
With your permission (granted via a donor form), the Sechelt Hospital Foundation publishes the names of all donors of $500 or more on donor boards located in the main lobby of the hospital and on our website, as recognition and thanks for your generosity
Estate of Eleanor & Richard Stratton Thompson
Estate of Donald E. Webster
Tookie & Helen Angus
Dale & Caroline Corman
In memory of Muriel & Frank Daly
Estate of Linda Galbraith
Joan & Andy Hansen
Norma & Kelvin Landstrom
Margaret Mackenzie
Estate of Malachy & Margaret McKenna
Mary Lou Owen
Estate of Michael & Eileen Poppel
Lawrence & Kathleen Posey
Estate of Joan Slagt
Lilly Sprenger
Estate of Athenia Evelyn Tschaikowsky
Mike & Shaunna Asselstine
CMA Foundation
Dempster Family Foundation
Dickey Family Endowment, held at Sunshine Coast Foundation
In loving memory of Dr. John P. Farrer
Billy Lachman & Pamela Fayerman
Estate of Robert Forrester
Mary & Cecil Gordon Family Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation
Estate of Barry Wayne Jobb
Carolyn Larsen
Trudene & Bill Longman
John & Maria Manley
Estate of Margaret Wright Matthews
Hartmut & Anita Molthagen
The O’Sullivan Family
Gerrie & Lloyd Patterson
Albert & Linda Reeve
Estate of Edward John Roach
Rotary Club of Gibsons
Rotary Club of Pender Harbour
Rotary Club of Sechelt
Rotary Club of Sunshine Coast – Sechelt
The Lewis & Ruth Sherman Foundation
Estate of Thelma Slade
Sunshine Coast Credit Union
Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary
Patricia Underwood
Westland Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation
Jeff & Christina Wubs
Dr. Frank & Mrs. Anita Anderson
In memory of Kathy Archibald
Gunter & Lina Beyser
John Davies & Laurie Bloom
Len & Piri Borysowich
Estate of Elisabeth Brown
Dennis & Marilyn Burnham
Mardie Campbell
In memory of Mary Caple
Gordon & Stacey Clayton
In loving memory of Bill & Nancy Climie
The Coasters Car Club
Greg & Sue Fauquier
Estate of Marian Mariko Fraser
In honour of Violet Gibbons
Don & May Gillis
Robert & Jennifer Gray
Renate Greenwood
John & Elizabeth Hamilton
Dave & Doris Hawkins
The David & Eva Howe Charitable Fund
Bob & Susan Hoy & Family
Robert & Juliane Hunt
Stephen & Carol Illingworth
Robert Johnston Family Fund
Helen & Gerry Krantz
Mechthild & Jacob Kroeker
Estate of George P. Love
Dr. W.G. & Mrs. M. Markham
Doug & Vicky Martin
Richard & Mary Jo Melville
Sharon Mork
Robert McGregor Murray Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation
Leslie Nicholls
In memory of Don Penson
RBC Foundation
The Roper Family Foundation
Carole Simpson & Lee Berry
John & Beata Spraggs
Sunshine Coast Lions Club
Marilyn & Gary Sutherland
Estate of Robin Tallis
TB Vets Charitable Foundation
Marjorie Umezuki Fund
Roger & Evelyn Van Daele
Paddy Wales
Westcoast Mining Contractors Ltd.
Thomas Woodman
Ross Beaty
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Patricia Joan Braithwaite
Eric Coffin
Dr. Dan & Barbara Dolden
Peter Feichtner
Robert & Linda Fisher
Barbara & Greg Graham
Phyllis Hoops
Nancy K. Inglis
Keystone of Life Foundation
James Alexander & Darlene Kry
Trevor & Angela Lavender
The Andrew Mahon Foundation
Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery
Isabelle Pidoux & Sunny Perera
Joanna Piros
Rayfield Family Foundation
Sun Summit Minerals
Sutherland Foundation
Estate of Lachman Vasanmal Tolani
Lynn Wilson
Janet Adaskin
Shirley Allan
Michael Audain
Fred Austin
Josefa Barham & Robert Rae
Art & Joanne Beadle
Frank & Cathy Belfry
Heather & Tyler Bergh
Geoff Bevan
Tracey & Steven Beyrouty
Kidoor Bhat
Olive Biles
Newell & Joan Birch
In memory of Gillian Bird
Ken & Linda Biro
Lynne & Peter Bogardus
Peter Borgmann
Melva & Gordon Bradshaw
Ken & Diane Brown
Canadian Online Giving Foundation
Sue Carruthers
Diana Challenor
Gregory & Mary Carter
Brian & Megan Chalmers
Charitable Impact Foundation
Charthouse Lawyers
Ivy Chong
Robert Chorley
Pamela Clarke
Peter & Elaine Clayden
Rosemarie Cuddy
Walter Curti
Erwin & Eva Diener
Allan Driscoll
Barry Drummond
Pierre & Alida du Plessis
Kathleen Dufour
Nadia Durig
Bob Dyck
Nancy Eastley
Dale & Barbara Eichar
Lisa-Anne Erickson
Evergreen Agencies Ltd
Gail & Bill Ewen
Rosemary Fay
FireWorks Consulting Inc.
Don & Patricia Flucker
Judith E. Forman
Genus Capital Management
In memory of Georgia Giannakos
Jim Gillespie
Barry & Jan Gillis
George & Terry Goulet
Jennifer Graham
Barbara Green
Rahul Gupta
Blane & Henny Hagedorn
Soren & Elizabeth Hammerberg
Dr. John Hayley
Michael Healey
Michele Libling & Leslie Hemphill
Kevin Hennessy & Dan Clark
Peter Hennessy
Pat & Bud Hoffman
Howe Sound Pulp & Paper Corporation
Drew Hoyle
Winifred Huffington
Noel Nick Husby
Insta Glass
Elaine Jackson
Al Jeske
Harold & Elizabeth Jones
Lynne & Frank Jorgensen
K92 Mining Inc.
Thomas & Linda Kern
Wilma Kersten
Matthew Kliewer Painting
Leslie Leighton
Allen & June Lenfesty
London Drugs Foundation
Brian & Jeannette Lucas
Ian & Jane Macdonald
Sheena Macdonald
Heather MacKenzie
Andrew & Patricia MacKinnon
Margaret Martin & Murray Feist
Pete & Barbara Mason
Clare Mayhew & Ivan Thompson
Maureen McBeath
Jon & Pam McRae
Terry & Sandy McBride
Hugh McCourt
Janet McIntosh
Christina McLeod
Minson Family
Mira Interiors
Carol Moffat
Louise Mol
Ruth Moore
Carole & David Muller Family Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation
Roslyn & Ron Mundy
Thor & Janice Olsen
Bill & Carol Page
Park Place Foundation
Karl & Barbara Paulus
Alan Phillips
Courtney & Alexa Pratt
Bruce Pydee & Linda Ramsay
RBC Grants
Dr. Edward & Ruth Rea
Richard & Colleen Record
Cliff & Joan Reeves
In honour of Roger Richmond
Donald Roberts
Glenys Robison & Sherry Hallson
Garth & Barbara Roden
Ruth & Frank Rodgers
Judy Rother & Errol Lipschitz
Ruby Lake Resort
Sandra Russell
Richard & Collene Sand
Peter Saunders
Alfred & Janet Schembri
Walter Segsworth
Jonalyn Siemens & John Sutherland
Gordon & Maureen Sinclair
Margaret Skelley
Heather & Brian Smith
Eve Sonner
Barrie & Frances Stewart
Bruce Stott & Gail Clarke
Alistair Strang & Wendi Rottluff
Fumiko Suzuki
Rosemary Terry
Tree World Plant Care Products
University Sprinklers
Frances & Barry Wainwright
Cecilia & Victor Walker
Vera Wall & Marilyn Marshall
Roddy & Jette Waterston
David Reed & Suzy Weeks
Brenda Wentworth
Melinda Westen
Alison Williams
Ian & Carolyn Williams
Richard Williams
Bruce & Judy Young
Peter Young
Zan & Beverley Zachariasy
Sechelt Hospital Foundation is grateful to the artists and art collectors who have helped transform the walls and halls of our health care facilities. The Hospital Art Collection reflects the vast creative talents and generosity of our Sunshine Coast community.
Janet Adaskin
Jody Louise Anderson
Josefa Fritz Barham
Charmaine Bayntun
Leonard Brett
Marilyn Browning
Camp Ruby Ladies
Patricia Carswell
Lil Chrzan
Peter & Elaine Clayden
John & Maureen Clayton
Maureen Clayton
Edward & Loraine Cleave
Jan de Beer
Don Drinkwater
Julia Dodge
Janice Edmonds
Bruce Edwards
In loving memory of Dr. Bruce Ford
Vernon & Jacqueline Forster
Leif Kristian Freed
Barbara & Greg Graham
Pnina Granier
Jennifer Goodwin
Greta Guzek
Vicki Halford
Gordon Halloran
Angela Harris
Gwen Hawkins
Ed Hill
Gigi Hoeller
Tannis Hopkins
Elaine Hunter
Jan Jensen
Kathy Jobb
Katherine Johnston
Sandy Kay
Kasia Krolikowska
Carol Lafave
Gerry & Greg Latham
Jennefer Le Barge
Anita Lindblom
Marlene Lowden
Stacey Lowen
Debra Manou
In memory of Robert Hugh McLellan
Yzabelle Milton
Holly Monteith
Ron Nelson Sr
Paula O’Brien
Rosalind O’Keefe
Milt & Fran Ovens
Mary Pifer
Andrea Pratt
Levi Purjue
Chris Reid
Ruth Rodgers
Brian Romer
Hiroshi Shimazaki
In loving memory of Noel Silver
Evelyn Sloboda
Carmelo Sortino
Jonalyn Siemens & John Sutherland
Coralie Swaney
Christy Sverre
Nadina Tandy
In loving memory of Syd Valentine
Cornelia van Berkel
Marleen Vermeulen
Estate of Donald E. Webster