28 Sep Sechelt Hospital Maternity Orientation – Virtual Tour
For families expecting a baby and preparing for what will happen during their labour and delivery at Sechelt Hospital, Public Health and the Maternity Unit have collaborated to produce a virtual tour. A lively and image-filled video allows expectant parents to see the space and to view Sechelt Hospital’s Maternity Ward and Operating Department surroundings, thanks to Sechelt Hospital Foundation’s Covid Emergency Support fundraising efforts and donor contributions.
VCH Director for the Sunshine Coast Gerry Latham says Covid-19 infection control measures and hospital access restrictions impact patient orientation, as visitors cannot tour the facilities as they have in the past.
“This gift provides us the opportunity to help prepare families for their delivery experience while keeping everyone safe during these extraordinary times,” Latham says.
Public Health Nurse Sandra Grant leads the tour; Brenda Rowe, Patient Care Coordinator, shares what to expect if a patient requires surgery, and Vickie Pearson, Registered Nurse in Maternity Department, demonstrates the supportive equipment and room features an expecting family will experience.
All furnishings and equipment in the Hospital’s maternity ward came from generous community donors, ranging from Panda infant warming units to sophisticated delivery beds, from knitted newborn caps to hand-made quilts for each family. Proceeds from donor designated gifts from the Hospital Foundation, West Coast Mining’s ‘Comedy on the Coast’, and Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary have contributed to the state of the art facility and comfortable, private environment each family experiences.
According to Sechelt Hospital Foundation Executive Director Jane Macdonald, “as soon as it was brought to the Foundation’s attention, a team of volunteers and local experts were recruited to create a video virtual tour. The video was produced in record time, thanks to local Vissare Media’s Terran Tasci, Piros Productions and staff photographer Leslie Ghag. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful local talent on the Sunshine Coast to help us serve our community.” Prenatal class members enjoyed the video debut on September 24th via Zoom, facilitated by Sandra Grant. View the video below.
Sechelt Hospital Foundation believes that the best medicine is local. If you would like to learn more about the Sechelt Hospital Foundation’s future projects and upgrades please visit www.sechelthospitalfoundation.org or Email: Sh.foundation@vch.ca.