14 Jun Hospital Art Program
In January of 2018, the Art Program at Sechelt Hospital came to life. An initial invite to local artists and collectors was broadcast, in an effort to help us create a visually inspiring and caring environment within our hallways.
Sechelt Hospital Foundation is proud to report that over the last 4 years, our permanent collection of donated artwork has grown to over 200 pieces of incredible & unique art work.
Shain Jackson stands by the “Pulling Together” mural in the Tower Lobby of the Sechelt Hospital. The mural was carved by artists from the shíshálh First Nation and features a canoe in which everyone paddles together. (Photo by Joanna Piros.)
The Art Program will include the creation of a permanent collection of donated artwork to enhance our healing environments. Already, you can see incredible works by local artists in the hallways of the new ACU, in Emergency, at the Gibsons Health Unit and in the hallways off the main lobby.
An Art Program Committee, which includes representatives from the arts, health, and community sectors, oversees the submissions and their placement.
For an overview of the art submission guidelines, please see our Acceptance Policy and the Deed of Gift Form. Here’s a brochure about it.
Pioneer contributors to the Hospital Art Program collection include artists: Shain Jackson, Donna Stewart, Marleen Vermuelen, Marlene Lowden, Motoko and Kasia Krolikoswka, to name just a few of our generous art donors.
If you are interested in participating, contact the foundation office at 604-885-8637 or send an email to sh.foundation@vch.ca.
The hospital art program was featured in the Coast Reporter on Friday, May 4, 2018. You can read the articles here and here.
We also have images of those newspaper articles on our In the News! page of the website.